About our Coffee Club
Thanks for stopping by.
Firstly, as we have stated, we ARE NOT, your Father's/Grand Father's Rotary Club.
By that we mean we do not do Rotary meetings in the old way. For example, we don't sing the National Anthem, we don't do Grace, we don't toast the Queen or Rotary International or The Foundation. We don't do an International Toast, club raffle or have a sergeant session. Yet we have a fun filled, Rotary focussed meeting for an hour or more without that stuff.
The concept of a coffee club came about as one of the ideas put out to change the way Rotary is done.
Some of the planning decisions came down to the following considerations:
It was no to be an e-club but is able to conduct part of its operation using social working methods
It operates under the Standard RI Club Constitution and RI Club By-Laws
Club Board stricture is based on the RI Club Leadership plans
All dues to be paid as for a 'normal' club (RI, District and Magazine)
Meeting frequency and attendance as per RI requirements. Club has flexibility to meet at time and days to suit its requirements but in keeping with its original charter of a coffee club format: low cost, family oriented (Not breakfast, lunch or dinner) except when agreed by the members of the club.
The club will meet in informal surroundings such as a coffee shop/cafe/micro brewery, wine bar, pub or members homes etc
The Club does NOT use Rotary regalia. There is no President's collar, the club will use Rotary banners to promote the Club's activities.
Core meeting time is to be limited to approximately 30 minutes; e.g. arrive at 3:25 for 3.30 meeting; close meeting by 4.30pm.Meetings are to be conducted as “business meetings” with an agenda and any items for consideration at the meeting to be available to members at least 24hrs prior to a normal meeting or board meeting, circulated by email.
Reports and actions arising at a meeting to be reported back at a designated future meeting with any supporting documentation made available to members prior to the meeting. A member will be allocated to reporting these details by email.
A club member may be appointed to conduct the meetings as per the agenda.
The majority of board and project discussion/debate is to be conducted “in committee“ by the respective members outside the normal meeting time. Brief update reports to be circulated prior to the club meeting.
The majority of club business outside the meeting may be conducted using social media tools including Facebook, Whats' App, Skype for board and committee meetings, Dropbox, Club Forum, Newsletter and the club website.
Important documents are to be available electronically “on demand” to members with using Dropbox with appropriate access permissions.
All new Rotarians in the club are encouraged to attend the Rotary Leadership Institute course to give them a basic Rotary knowledge and understanding.
Rotarians have a simple motto:
Service Above Self.
Our Four-Way test is a simple ethical framework to help us in our lives every day.
Feel welcome to use it yourself - it's pretty simple:
Of the things we think, say or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
At the centre of your community